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  • brynnebillings

Is there a 'perfect' posture?

Due to the pandemic, there are lots of people working from home with many spending the day at work stations that are not an ideal set up. In this photo above, you may think 'That isn't great posture'.

So what do you think is the best posture?

The answer to that is there is no ‘perfect’ posture. Any position that you stay in for a prolonged period of time will start to aggravate different structures in the body. The important thing is to switch up your posture/positioning throughout the day. If you have to slouch for a bit, that is completely alright! We just don’t want you staying like that for 8-9 hours.

Some tips to remind you to move throughout the work day:

🛎Set a timer on your phone that reminds you to get up and move every 30-60 minutes! Lots of smart watches will also prompt you to get up and moving⌚️

💦Keep a water bottle on you. Refills and washroom breaks will encourage you to get up while also remaining hydrated.

🪑Those with a sit-to-stand desk, take advantage of it! Whenever that timer goes off, switch up your position.

🐕Schedule a mid-day walk with your furry friend!

Chiropractors can also help with at home strategies such as mobility work and exercises that can be performed after a long work day! Please reach out through the contact form if you have any questions about chiropractic care and working from home.

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